Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Decade I was born in should stay where it is (Az-Bat)

I don't like Az-Bat at all. And don't consider him to have ever been Batman at all. I usually refer to him as "Bat-Knight" As that's the most respectful thing I can call him. I actually do like Azrael as Azrael, but not as Batman. In fact, even his bio on the package says "Az-Bat" and not Batman, which is why I'm calling him Az-Bat for this review.

I'm not going to go too far into this like I did the Creeper, but Azrael took up the role of Batman when Bruce's back was broken by Bane. As Az-Bat got more and more batshit insane, Bruce had to put a stop to it and forcefully took it away from him.

First and foremost, Azrael is pretty to look at. Even though I hate him, I'll admit I sort of like his costume design. He has a lot of nice little details, painted and all, even though his upper body can't really move much.

Here's a little problem I have though. His leg spikes are very, VERY bendy and very soft that I feel like if you touched them too much, they'd rip off easily. I don't know how they're attached to his legs, but in any case I'm just scared they're going to come off if I mess with them too much.

Oddly enough for being a brick mostly at the top, he got double jointed knees and a wrist joint even though it's mostly useless.

The bullet chain things...can come out of his arms if you want and easily go back in, though there's really no place to put them. But if they come out on their own you just gotta put them back in there.

Anyway, as far as a toy goes, he does have a cool design (Which...I guess is why he's more appealing as a toy then a character) He doesn't have the most articulation up there but you can still get some kind of "I'm a Bat-Robot and I look totally badass so don't cross me" poses across if you really want to. As I said I don't like the character, but I do like the design. And it is a fun toy despite the limited articulation from the waist up. And since you need him to complete Bane (He comes with the right leg) It's not all that bad.

Now, for the Fun shots! (Oh dear god, I'll have to find a better name)

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Beware the creeper

Majority rules, so first off from Wave 16 will be the creeper!

For those of you who don't know, the basic run down on the creeper is He's Jack Ryder, a Gotham City news reporter who intentionally pushes his guests to raise attention on hot topics of the day. (No, not that kind >8( ).
In any version you read or (Watch), Jack Ryder gains his creeper persona and powers through digging too far into one of his subject's. Once he realizes he has these newfound powers, he decides to fight crime in Gotham City (Hometown of the Batman, obviously).
He was created by Steve Ditko in 1968. Yes, Spider-Man Ditko.

Anyway, onto the figure...

Creeper is one of the figures who got the new DCUC articulation first seen in Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) in wave 16. He has double jointed arms, knees and has articulated wrists. That said, there is no longer a swivel for the feet, and well, it's hard to get the creeper to stand let alone do any poses because he can't really move his feet. At all. And due to the weight of his boa keeping him down. I don't know if I'm the only one with these problems, but if I am, I feel bad. All the joints move correctly, it's just that his feet don't move and it gets in the way, a lot.

My Creeper had a minor paint splatter on his boot. Nothing to die over, but it's something worth noting.

Most of the creeper is painted. Except I believe, the part of his leg that connects to his knee, that really stands out in person as being different from the rest of the figure. It's not that bad, bit the plastic is much lighter and it's noticable next to the green casted thighs and crotch that've been painted over in yellow. His stripes are clean, and the wash on his body is very good. The only parts that don't shine are the places he isn't painted, but I digress.

The DCUC Creeper is a wonderful interpretation of our favorite Yellow skinned wackyman, mainly suffering from a large heavy and iconic boa, plus the loss of foot articulation. But even then, if you like his design, I'd still recommend the guy. Because he's pretty fun to play with, even if he can't stand up on his own half the time.

The Creeper comes with the right arm of this wave's Collect and Collect figure, Bane.

Below are a few fun shots I took of the creeper.

Okay I love you buh-bye!

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Blog for Action figure reviews

Suggested by my friends due to my major DCUC acquirements... I've decided to use this thing for once and I'm going to use it for my action figure reviews!

Starting with, Wave 16 of DC Universe classics, consisting of...

Jonah Hex
The Creeper
The Riddler (Jumpsuit)
Robin (Dick Grayson, Golden age and Modern head*)

All Stars released with this wave...
Batman (Black suit from Wave 10)
The Joker (Wave 10 Rerelease)
Deathstroke (Wave 3 Rerelease)

**I have not acquired the Modern head yet. I have also not picked up the All Star rereleases yet, but I'm looking for them right now.

But anyway, I'm going to have a vote for who should be the first of Wave 16 to be reviewed.

Who do you want to see reviewed first?